Quilled Dreamcatcher

Hello friends, first of all a very very Happy New Year!!!! to all of you. Myself Shikha Suyal, the guest designer for CraftGully. Celebrate the fresh start of the year with the gorgeous dream catcher made with the wish of leaving all the bad memories of the past year & bring good, cheerful & colourful dreams to you.
The Perfect Craft Glue -Matte has a matte finish it doesn't look bad on drying i.e it doesn't shine like a snail tail, as the normal glue does.
The main part of the dream catcher is made by recycling old CD.
First, I covered the CD with paper and used silver gota lace for hanging but you can use whatever is available.
Simple quilling shapes are used in the making of the main part like marquis/eye shape (outer boundary with dark pink and yellow), curved tear drop (outside the ring) and the ring with marquis shapes arranged in the form of flower.
Flowers include Malaysian petals (white one), marquis shapes (blue one) and petals with combing technique (brown and yellow one). For leaves marquis shape is used.
On the bottom lengths, simple big tight coils or discs are pasted over the gota. Ends of the lengths have quilled feathers. All the quilling strips are from CraftGully.
All the materials used in the project
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